Availability and Management
Water is predicted
to be behind the conflicts with and between nations in this century
the same way oil has been to date. The availability of clean water is
one of the main challenges facing humanity.
Desalination refers to any of several processes that remove the excess
salt and minerals from saline water in order to obtain potable fresh
water. With increasing number of countries suffering from water shortage
desalination plants are seen as a viable solution to provide potable
water especially with the rapid decline in plant costs.
Our technical
expertise can assess the feasibility of desalination plants, advice on
best available technology, and looks at sources of brackish water, sea
water and hypersaline water.
Water and Groundwater Supply and Assessment
We apply surface/groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling,
risk assessment and quantitative hydrogeological techniques and use analytical
solutions and sophisticated numerical models tailored to assess and solve
specific water problems.
services include:
• Water supply
• Groundwater assessment
• Groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling
• Hydrochemical modelling
• Groundwater Remedial alternatives: Evaluation for a wide range
of remedial options including monitored natural attenuation (MNA), air
sparging, soil vapour extraction, pump and treat, reactive barrier wall
(funnel and gate), hydraulic containment etc.
• River-aquifer interactions assessing hydrological and ecological
effects of groundwater abstraction on stream flows.
• Groundwater protection and management: Conducting groundwater
vulnerability studies; defining the time-related groundwater protection
zone (GPZ); evaluating conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water
• Forecasting and risk analysis for analytical groundwater modelling
and remedial costs.
Quality and Treatment
We provide complete water quality solutions for sewage systems, treatment
plants, offshore installations, etc. We can help industry reduce water
consumption and emit less wastewater pollutants. Often, this brings cost
reductions and reduced business risk for clients.
services include:
• Water resource management planning
• Water quality studies
• Industrial water use and pollution generation
• Develop strategies to minimise the amount of water used in processes
• Project management